Wednesday 10 December 2008


High Noon - 1952

Bridge On the Rive Kwai - 1957

In both texts there are very little or no use of women on screen, Men are represented as being powerful through their use of gun play. Men are always playing the assertive and dominant, leading roles. Women were not seen yet as 1st wave feminism had not been seen on screen this early.

Sound Of Music - 1965

Lawrence Of Arabia - 1962

Both texts present different ideologies, Sound of Music represents the stereotype of a caring, maternal, woman figure, a mother like woman. Where as Lawrence Of Arabia still presents the idea that women are not on screen figures to this decade.

Star Wars - 1977

The Godfather - 1972

Both films represent males to still be powerful roles in films, however there are more on screen women now, although they still play roles that are in a way demeaning, as they play roles such as weak women and mothers, they are also presented as the propparian princesses that need to be rescued.

Aliens - 1986

The Terminator - 1984

Both texts begin to introduce/reinforce the idea that women are able to play leading roles on screen, however they still posses the sterotypical features, motherly, caring figures. However in the terminator the women is presented more as a woman that is the proparian princess, where as in Aliens the woman is represented as more independent and powerful.

Die Another Day

Fatal Attraction

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