Monday 1 December 2008

David Gauntlett Handout - Representations Of Gender Today


This chapter talks about how men and women have changed the representations of gender and how they are working side by side, as equals. It relates it to the change in society, As well as the introduction of new audiences, such as 'gays'.

  • 1990s - gender roles on television became increasingly equal and non-stereotyped.
  • Portrayal of women in prime time TV shows during the 1992-1993 season, by Elasmar, Hasegawa and Brian. During 1995-1996 season, by Lauzen and Dozier, Elasmar reports the numbers of TV women who are employed, and who care for children.
  • (still Prime Time TV shows) 1992-1993, men took 61% of speaking roles, Women had 39%. 1995-1996, men took 63% and women had 37% of speaking roles.
  • 1992-1993, 18% of women were major characters, two thirds of these played domestic situation comedies. 1995-1996, 43% of major characters were female.
  • 1992-1993, 3% of women were represented as housewives as their main occupation. 8% of women were shown as the 'homemakers'.
  • 1995-1996, roles of women and men in conversations on screen, recording the degree of control they exerted over dialogue, it was found that on a character-by-character basis, females and males were equal.
  • 1992-1993 study found that 'the women on prime time TV in the early 1990s was young, single, independent, and free from family and work place pressures' (Elasmar, Hasegawa and Brian 1999: 33)

The Studies show a growth in gender equality on screen.

  • The pThe Friends programme shows that there has been an increase in equality between both genders.
  • The programme series consisted of 3 males and 3 females, which shows an equal amount of characters and equality between the genders
  • The three males are shown with masculine qualities, although with some characteristics of "sensitivity" and "Gentleness" and male bonding.
  • The three females are shown as "intelligent" and "non-housewifely".
    This gives it a refreshing feel to it rather than the traditional T.V programmes the viewers were use to.
  • Programmes such as "Ally McBeal" (1997) and "Sex and the City" (1998) put successful women at the forefront and focuses on their paths to and for sex, pleasure and romantic love. This then shows women in a different light, representing them as provocative and promiscuous, rather than the traditional House wife and Homemaker.
    A study by psychologists, Muncer, Campbell, Jervis and Lewis (2001), respond to the growing concern of the Media term "Ladettes", these are women who are assertive with an aggressive attitude which are usually associated with "Lads". The study talks about whether "girls power" leads to "girl violence".

Maggie Humm- Films either stereotype women as "Good Mothers" or "Bad Hysterical careerists".

Michael Thomson- "By all means be feisty, but never forget to be feminine".

Charlies Angels(2000)- Barrymore, Diaz and Lui represent redhead, blonde and brunet respectively or as David Poland pointed out and said, as "Tits", "Ass" and "Hair"?

Although, today's representation show that equally men and women have to be attractive with us recognising the conventions that show that they are attractive.

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