Thursday 11 September 2008

Presentation for ideas on Independant study

Slide 1:

•My idea is focusing on genre
•I will be looking at films that are scary
•I will also be looking at the morals or messages that the films are trying to get out
•By focusing on the types of films that are aimed at targeting your fears I will be able to analyse the how the events in the films affect the motives of the audience

Slide 2:
Possible films

•The possible films that I will be looking at are the following:
ØThe day after tomorrow (2004)
ØIndependence day (1996)
ØResident Evil (2002)
ØChildren of men (2006)
•I will be looking at many more films, however as you can tell these films are mainly environmental/sci-fi films.
•These films all focuses on the major deaths of human kind, in other words raising awareness of future events of mass death.

Slide 3:
Possible questions

1.How do messages/morals effect the minds and beliefs of its audiences in films that attack your fears?
2.How do horror (or Zombie) films attack your mind? And how do they do this in comparison to what message they are trying to get out?

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