Friday 26 September 2008

Assement Objectives

Ao3.2 - Comparing and accounting for similarities and differences - i feel that this is the most important to me as i feel that alot of my answers for my question can be related to the comparisons that I do, however I feel that I can do it pretty well but it could be of better quality.

Ao3.1 - Issues/debates/theories - i am already showing a good sign of knowledge of theorists, however it could be further expanded upon. I think that I may have a problem relating the theorists with the issues and debates, however so far it is going well.

Ao2 - Wider Context - wider context is important because it shows how all your work affects SHEP (social, historical, economical, political). so far though I think that I have developed a wide knowledge and understanding, however it still could be worked on.

Ao1 - Key concepts - i feel that even though we had learnt these last I need to brush up on them, however I do not feel that is the most important thing because I already know quite alot of it.

A05 - Research - I already have alot of research, may be as we move on it could be improved, but not right now.

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