Tuesday 24 March 2009

booklet - coverwork

Unit 1:Introducing Genre
Genre is actually a French word for "Type" or "Category"
It's a concept that allows and helps scholars to study films, film making and the audiences response for these films
Genres are not fixed, they are used to help us understand films

Unit 2:Genre Classification
Genres are not fixed, they are actually dynamic, the definition of any particular genres is Fluid
Iconography can be both visual image and sound image
Most genres offer a narrative of "Reassurance"
Some characters are so"tightly" associated with the genre that they then become "Generic types"

Unit 3:Hollywood and Genre
"Hollywood is a generic cinema, which is not quite the same as saying it is a cinema of genres" Richard Maltby, 1995
Genre began to decline because genre theorist argued that "genres began as fairly loose groupings that gradually evolved towards a "mature" or "classic" period."
"B" films and genres, like genre fiction, were seen as "low status" by critics and commentators

Unit 4:Audiences and Genres
There are many pleasures that audiences get from film genres. These pleasures are the following:
Emotional Pleasures-Some genres are generically designed to make the audience feel emotional in different ways
Visceral Pleasures- This is how the film is style to have a physical effect on audiences
Intellectual Puzzles- This allows the audience to interact and allows them to try and unravel the mystery of "whodunnit"
Counter-Culture Attraction- Where the audience can unravel the genre from the conventions of the the films or in other words, the "Repertoire of Elements"
There are hybrid films that mix the conventions of more than one or two genres together, therefore reinterpreting them.
The strongest elements of genre is the emotional response that they are designed to get from the audience

Unit 5: Stars and Genres
Theorist "Ellis" stated that "Stars hold a "promise" to audiences"
Film theorist "Dyer" stated that Stars are seen as "Commodity", which is an important asset or element of making and selling a film
The relationship between stars and genre or even generic elements are fluid

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