Tuesday 10 February 2009

Asian Articles

http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/feb/08/vitamin-d-skin-evolution - The pigment found in darker people, science used to exploit sun rays for paler or white people.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/feb/05/shivanova-secret-chants-denselow - The art works of Indians, music and theatre work.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/feb/04/india-women - article into a pub brawl incident, leading to tensions between the community, with links to wider issues in the Indian community. Gives Indians the representation of being the victim.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/mortarboard/2009/feb/03/ethnic-minority-access - a Sikh editor talks about the education, universities, whilst linking it to his Asian background.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/feb/01/paul-stephenson-police-race-relations - talks about the new police cheif commisioner, and his campaign to have more ethnic origions in the police force.

The article that most striked me is the police chief article, this is because it presents Paul Stevenson to be an infamous figure within the police and race relations community, through the use of quotes of what he says. It then ends on a negative note present his career as chief of police to be short and unsuccessful.

  1. southern asians are more likely to have a vitamin D defiency when coming to britain, due to there high pigment levels, attitudes towards asians have changed, possibly less racist.
  2. Asians are being recognised for there art and musical influences, Yoga is very popular within a white community, combing the two ethnicities.
  3. Within asians the ideologies that women should not been 'westernised' still exsists, (seen through pub article) 'women should not drink or be seen in bars'.
  4. the idea that white people and asians are still unequal is still being reflected today, (education article) 'as an ethnic minority there was no such thing as a level playing field, especially not in 70s Britain. To succeed, you didn't just have to outshine your white colleagues, you had to dazzle them.'
  5. the detection rate for racist crime rose from 23.5% to 40% last year. "The commissioner has a publicly commended track record, in terms of the personal importance he has placed on race and equality issues in policing,"

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