Monday 6 October 2008

Self Assesment Of Blog

I think that I have done really well with my blog...postings up of research is good, with more links of other sites containing same or similar information, however I do need to comment on my postings...there are quite a few MIGRAIN analysis, but could add more. I have put a music player on blog, which I think is exceptional...good use of youtube clips, I have also highlighted the things that I say in order to show that this is my opinion, which not many other people have done, also my delicious tags are good. However I feel that I could post up some pictures and analyse them.

AO1: I think that my key concepts are quite good for the mean time, however i feel that more detail should be added, for example in the MIGRAIN analysis that I do, I only simplify the main points, it may be important to include the rest. I think that it still needs more work altogether though and possibly could present all the ideas together in one post to make it more clear.

AO2: I think that Ao2 is my strongest, as I have mass amounts on ideas as well as research to back it up, however I once again feel that all of this could be posted up on one post to make it easier to refer to. On the other hand I feel that I have focused more on the Social and political aspect of SHEP, so my target could be to equally get research for the other topics.

AO5: My personal opinion is that I have researched pretty well, with special concentration to books and Internet research, however I once again think that this work could be carried on, as well as being summarised possibly within one post. I think that I know also need to analyse the different texts that I've chosen just to build up on my knowledge on them.

Synoptic Ability: I do not believe that this has had a major concentration, I also believe that this is my weakest point and needs a lot of concentration as I progress. Its just the issue of relating things to my actual topic within language.

Critical Autonomy: I believe that most of my work is critical autonomy, as I have found out most of the work for myself and also come up with my own interpretations, on the other hand I do feel that most of this does need just a little bit more effort, within the terms of just linking everything together, within language terms.

Quality Of Written Communication: I still maintain that I need to work on my language in terms of linking everything together, however Mr. bush did say that everyone needs to use the spell check button when we post something up, which is what I also need to do. However getting the argument across is a different matter, I feel that I am very confident with that, its just language that I need to work on.

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